This week I am fascinated with a blank spot on the wall and share my guiltiest guilty pleasure.
- 400 member giveaway! Yay Jellybean and DQknits, the RNG picked you! Contact me after you watch the ep – I have some instruction!
- Twist Fiber Kickstarter ends Nov 1 as does the giveaway!
- I’ll be at Fiber in the Boro! Yay! Podcaster meetup at 2pm at the Unwind Yarn Co booth!
FO fun!
- Jane – yarn is The Color Wheel Yarn
- Pavo – yarn is Daizie Knits
- #everystitcheveryprayerforfru – yarn is The Color Wheel
I talk about the Jacob breed. My Jacob is from Ivy Brook Meadow.
NaNoSweaMo is next month – are you going to try to knit a sweater?
Viewer questions: My guiltiest guilty pleasure?
I enjoyed the cast when I listened today. You were definitely wound up and a lot of fun to listen to.
The portion of the cast on the Jacob sheep relating to the Bible stories rang a bell for me. I remembered the sorting of the flock into dark and light but hadn’t made the mental connection to the Jacob breed. I love learning something even as old as I am
Like you and many podcasters, I am an introvert and crowds give me the willies. And like you, I can also talk away on all sorts of topics. I finally found the explanation some years ago. Extroverts recharge their personal batteries in groups; introverts recharge their batteries alone. So I can survive some time with a group as long as I can escape to my home and cat —no people there to annoy me.
Barb (See you next Labor Day)