This week, we have some winners, some FOs, some WIPs, some spinning, and discussion about what I want to do next. I even have time to talk about a little bit of life! Without further ado, let’s get to the…..
Thanks for starting along, guys! a1dawen won A Riot of Color, Jellybean won the bonus prize stitch markers, and TheFrostedCow won the batt!
FO : Zoom Dragon is all finished and adorable, check out the Zoom-along in the Woolery group to make a critter and win your own Critter Kit!
Lush Mitts – came out a little smallish, and the thumb holes are ridiculous, but they’re serviceable!
WIPs: Color Affection in Happy Go Lucky yarns is getting a lot of love, and the Convergence as well.
Spinning: Spun up my KnittyandColor final spin for the Tour, and then spun a Lunabudknits smoothie batt.
Next up! Want to finish Oncoming Storm and that Augusta cardigan!
Cheer me on for getting back on the exercise wagon!!